Note - If you require same-day delivery and it is after 2pm call us 01517244850 to make sure we can do it.
Our website has a great selection of products or alternatively, choose florist choice and leave the selection to us.
This vase of dried flowers comes hand-arranged in a small blue glass vase by our professional Florists. Containing 1 Dried Hydrangea 5 Bunny Tails 1 Teal Asparagus 2 Purple Teasels small spray of Natural Pampas 2 small spray of Cerise Pampas 1 small spray of Teal Pampas 3 Blue Delph and Oregano.
This dried vase arrangement would look lovely to decorate your home and as they are dried flowers they would last forever.
Our dried flowers are a natural, dried, and sometimes dyed product, so some transference may occur. Please ensure the flowers remain dry. If placed in direct light, some fading may occur.
Our shop delivers flowers and gifts to the following Liverpool postcodes L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L24 L25 L26 L27 L36 L70 If your order is for an area outside of these we can organise delivery for you through our network of florists. We will ask them to make as close as possible to the image but because of the difference in stock and sundry items, it may not be exact.
Dried Flowers are a great alternative to fresh flowers. Dried flower bouquets can last years when cared for properly, making them an ideal finishing touch to the interior design of any room. The advantage of having an arrangement made in a vase means they can just be put down and enjoyed.
Dried Flower Arrangements are a big new trend and are a stylish and sustainable product which makes the perfect gift, or a treat for yourself.
From the simplest small gestures to spectacular blooms, dried flowers come in many wonderful colours and styles, with all budgets catered for.
As florists we feel very close earth and want to protect it. Plastic waste is a huge problem in the florist industry so we made the decision to make our packaging eco-friendly.
To achieve this, we worked with our packaging supplier to remove the lamination off our boxes and wrap the tops in an Eco Flowerwrap, which means it easily compostable or can be fully recycled.
All our bouquets have small wooden ladybird hidden amongst them, so do not forget to spot the ladybird and post a picture on our social media pages to enter our rolling competition.
We are open 7 days a week and offer advanced booking flower delivery, same-day flower delivery, 3-hour flower delivery. Guaranteed AM Flower Delivery and also offer Sunday Flower Delivery.
Our florists deliver in Liverpool and can provide flowers for you in Liverpool, Merseyside. And through our network of florists can organise flower deliveries for you nationwide with Interflora.
Come to Booker Flowers and Gifts Liverpool for your beautiful dried flowers, fresh flowers, and plants. For that bit of extra luxury, we also offer a lovely range of finishing touches, such as wines, champagne, locally crafted Gin and Rum, vases, Scented Candles and Chocolates that can be delivered with your flowers.
To see the full range, see our extras section.
You can trust Booker Flowers and Gifts of delivery the very best for you.
5 Star review on
Thank you Gemma for your fabulous service. The flowers are of the highest quality and delivered with a warm smile. My sister was delighted. Ordering was simple and the communications were top-notch. I will definitely use your services again.